Mission Trails Regional Park – Grasslands Loop


Grasslands Loop

Another in the Family Friendly Ride Series. This one was surprising.

Just over Mission Gorge Rd., the Grasslands Loop Trailhead is only 4.5 mi away from my house. Always having done the Oak Grove and Visitor Center Loops in San Diego, I never investigated options on the Santee side of the park. A total length of 1.5 mi, it offers smooth, long, flowing descents that will even get the adults smiling. For more advanced riders, challenge will only come by way of competition for fastest lap and a race up the first climb.

Parking is plentiful along the Father Junipero Serra Trail and no special skills are required to ride; perhaps only some lungs. But even then, it’s not too tough. A quick word of caution, though. The drop into the trail system is paved, but steep. It’s intimidating to look at. Tension is increased due to the tricky entrance around a bollard and protruding fence. For shaky riders, entering the descent while riding could be a tough proposition. Parents, use your magic and trickery to get the fearful rolling.

The climb previously mentioned is punchy. About 1/8 mi long, loose rocks litter the right and left side of the optimal line to the top. Lose speed and momentum, you’re done. It’s probably true that mom and dad will climb to the top, or maybe just dad, temporarily abandoning the family to don king of the hill title for the day, while everyone else suffers walking bikes up the steep slope. To prevent grumpy attitudes and feelings of defeat, dad will likely come back to help everyone get to the top. That’s how it works in my family anyway.

Once at the top, the descent begins and the party starts. Though never singletrack, the north and east side of the loop feel like it. The flow starts with long, sweeping direction changes and laugh inducing rollers.

At only 1.5 mi, the ride is short. We usually a couple of loops to make the effort worth it. I’ve never heard my girls “woop”, “yee-haw”, and giggle like they did on this trail. It was a delight to experience and to be a part of. Do yourself a favor and get the family out here.

Mission Trails Regional Park

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